版本需求:Android 2.3 以上版本
聯絡地址:Ahmedabad City
CA Common Proficiency Test MCQ covers all subjects of CA CPT Syllabus.
1. Fundamental of Accountancy
2. Mercantile Law
3. Economics
4. Quantitative Aptitude.
Application is prepared to make simple, easy to practice and testing their conceptual understanding about the various topics, Questions are selected to the best of our knowledge and experience for helping students to practice thoroughly of all subjects in your hand through help of this android application.
MCQ arranged subject wise, questions will be added weekly for practice, and mock test papers will be provided one month before examinations. Every week MCQ will be released adding nearly 2000-3000 questions for each examination term.
CA Common Proficiency Test MCQ Application Features:
✔ Marks computation of MCQ test are in line with the ICAI CPT standards. (i.e. 1 mark for correct answer and -0.25 marks for wrong answer and no marks for skipped and unanswered questions).
✔ Push notifications supported regarding new release and updates.
✔ Real time Answer ascertainment.
✔ Feature of random questions and options arrangement while conducting test every time.
✔ Timer provided with turn on/off settings.
✔ Scorecard of self and comparison with friends globally.
✔ Lifelines been provided such as 50-50, skip question and timer, 5 each lifeline provided free for first time user with buying facility thereafter.
✔ Application sharing with friends.
✔ Testing and tracking progress of tests appeared.
✔ MCQ is arranged subject wise and sub category wise.
✔ Feedback and suggestions regard to any query and uncorrected errors.
CA Common Proficiency Test MCQ Android App do not express any Ownership of these Questions and questions contained are gathered from publicly available sources. In case if, any of these questions violated your copyright/ IP right to remove the discrepancy. Please send us an e-mail at rahul0084android@gmail.com . We will respond this at earliest.